In the present edition, IDEAS continues to publish scientific articles from various fields of engineering presented by authors from renowned institutions in the country and the world. For this reason, we are grateful for the trust placed in this journal by important researchers from all over the world to present their findings.

Volume 4 issue 2 of 2022 of the journal Innovation & Development in Engineering and Applied Science begins with a proposal by Reascos from Universidad Técnica del Norte and Carvalho of the University of Minho (Portugal) based on a methodological guide for implementing business applications in small and medium-sized enterprises (PYME).

Similarly, Ponce, Ortega and Pusdá from Universidad Técnica del Norte present an application in the field of precision agriculture. It is a process of segmentation of agricultural images acquired with drone by means of algorithms.

In addition, Delgado, Gomes, Martino and Pérez from the Biomechanics Center of the Universidad Carabobo (Venezuela) show the results obtained about a femoral endomedullary nail for pediatric patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. This alternative is presented as a solution to post-surgical rotation problems, allowing bone development in an aligned manner.

In the field of Industrial Engineering, contributions were received from the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador); De La A Daniel, Pulley, Ponce y Zapata, who proposed a management system for different materials for the design of an industrial plant. This article discusses important considerations for designing the layout of a cheese production plant to maximize efficiency and productivity.

In turn, Plua, Carriòn, Madruñero & Castro propose the estimation of the required area and plant layout of a metal-mechanic industry. For the case study, the necessary factors were determined to establish the relationship between the number of machines and the total area required considering expansion plans and operational requirements.

Likewise, Plua, Carriòn, Madruñero and Castro propose the estimation of the required area and plant distribution of a metal-mechanic industry. For the case study, the necessary factors were determined to establish the relationship between the number of machines and the total area required considering expansion plans and operational requirements.

This edition ends with the proposal of a geoportal with thematic displays for the visualization of geospatial information of Ecuador carried out by Pablo Landeta, Jorge Vásquez, Tatyana Saltos and Xavier Mauricio Rea who focused on the development of a geoportal that includes a map visualization where it is possible to visualize in detail the various layers of important aspects of Ecuador. This tool allows the user to observe thematic maps according to different areas and obtain geospatial information in an efficient way.

The editors of IDEAS, we reiterate our gratitude to all the researchers who have contributed with their work making volume 4 issue 2 of 2022, a reality. Finally, we invite all national and international researchers to publish their scientific works with the advantages that we offer as a journal of open access.


Published: 2023-04-21