About the Journal
The scientific journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of the North is indexed in the Latindex database in its printed edition ISSN: 1390-910X; and ISSN 2773-756X for its digital edition . It is aimed at university students, researchers, and professionals who are involved in the health area, and who also have an interest in publishing their research results. Its objective is to disseminate these results, through Original Articles, Short Articles, Systematic Bibliographic Review, Report or Study of Clinical Cases, Letters to the editor; that allow generating new knowledge and contributing to the solution of health problems. The magazine publishes an issue every six months (June and December), on health issues.
- Motivate a research culture as a tool for academic strengthening.
- Contribute with innovative research to the solution of health problems.
Articles received for publication will be initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee to verify compliance with the criteria requested by the journal. In the case of non-compliance, the author / s will be informed immediately. Once the documents have been reviewed, the articles will be submitted to peer review
by specialists on the subject. This will be carried out in the complete original through a blind content review. The peer evaluators will respond within a maximum period of 2 weeks with an evaluation of the work, which includes suggestions on how to improve it, which is sent to the group of editors. As a result of these processes, a single document will be sent to the author in which the aspects that need to be corrected will be made explicit. The publication of the original will not take place until both processes have a positive evaluation. Evaluations usually include an explicit recommendation on what should be done with the research proposal.
The proposed options are the following:
- Unconditional acceptance of the work,
- Acceptance subject to the improvements proposed by the evaluator,
- Rejection, encouraging the authors to review the document and submit it to revision
- Unconditional rejection.
In this way it will be certain that the articles published in the journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UTN, contribute satisfactorily to research, scientific and technological development; and in turn to the advancement in the knowledge and strengthening of the health area.
To submit articles, authors must register with the journal. Interested authors should also review the journal's policies and form requirements, in information for authors, before submitting the article for evaluation. The journal with the following types of articles: a) Original articles, b) Special articles, c) Bibliographic review, d) Report or study of clinical cases, and e) Letters to the editor.
Articles showing the original results of completed research projects will be received.
When there is a request from the editorial committee.
They are systematic reviews of the scientific literature. It refers to detailed, selective and critical studies that try to analyze and integrate the essential information of the primary research studies on a specific health problem, it is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
It is the review and presentation of clinical cases of interest to the health sciences areas. It also includes a bibliographic review of similar cases.
These will include formally acceptable and scientific observations on the published works.
TITLE. It should be brief, do not include abbreviations or formulas.
NAME OF THE AUTHOR (AUTHORS). It should go immediately after title. If there are several authors, the name of the person to whom the correspondence can be addressed must be indicated with a callout at the bottom. Academic training and institutional reference: the highest ranking academic title, the institution to which the author is linked (authors), the institution's address and the author's email (authors) must be reported in a footnote.
SUMMARY. Maximum 250 words. It must clearly indicate: objectives, method, results, interpretation and conclusions that will be translated into English.
KEYWORDS. Five or six keywords or phrases that indicate the main aspects of the article.
INTRODUCTION. It will indicate the purpose of the work and summarize the reasoned justification for the study or observation. The objective of the study, the type of study carried out, the population in which it was carried out must be included and it will not include data or conclusions of the work that is published.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. Describe the design of the study, the population and its characteristics, if it were the case the sample that was used and the way in which it was obtained, the entire technique and the elements that were used during the study are described. performance of the work.
RESULTS. The results obtained by applying the methods described above must be presented in a logical and chronological way, tables, figures and / graphics can be used. Not all data in tables and graphs should be repeated in the text; Only relevant observations will be highlighted or summarized.
TABLES. They should be presented in an understandable way. Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, drawings, photographs, and maps) will serve to add information. Their titles should be short, precise and concise, and cite the source from which they were taken, even clarify if it is their own creation. The photographs must be of excellent quality and include the source of origin and the date. It is necessary to send the original files of the paintings, or as images in 300 DPI .JPG format.
DISCUSSION. An interpretation of the described results should be made and new and important aspects should be highlighted, as well as comparing these results with others obtained in scientifically recognized articles.
CONCLUSIONS. Opinions and concepts are expressed, based on the results, which they reach after conducting the discussion.
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