Publisher Policies

Focus and scope

Code of Ethics

Open Access Policy

Item Processing and Shipping Costs

Plagiarism detection


Focus and scope

The scientific journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of the North is indexed in the Latindex database in its printed edition ISSN: 1390-910X; and ISSN 2773-756X for its digital edition . It is aimed at university students, researchers, and professionals who are involved in the health area, and who also have an interest in publishing their research results. Its objective is to disseminate these results, through Original Articles, Short Articles, Systematic Bibliographic Review, Report or Study of Clinical Cases, Letters to the editor; that allow generating new knowledge and contributing to the solution of health problems. The magazine publishes an issue every six months (June and December), on health issues.

Specific objectives

- Motivate a research culture as a tool for academic strengthening.
- Contribute with innovative research to the solution of health problems.

The documents submitted for consideration by the journal theoretical or application nature; product of research, a practical experience of the profession or a review of a specific topic and must be framed within one of the following themes:

  1. Health Sciences
  2. Public Health
  3. Education and health
  4. Higher education and health

To submit articles, authors must register with the journal. Interested authors should also review the journal's policies at About the journal and For authors the requirements before submitting the manuscript.

Code of ethics

General references

The U investigates: Scientific Journal Faculty of Health Sciences, adheres to the ethical guidelines in publication, defined by the COPE (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors). This document has been prepared based on the standards established in the Guidelines on good publication practices. All of our contributors, readers, authors, reviewers and editors tacitly declare that they follow these principles.

Regarding the detection of plagiarism, the journal uses the Urkund system to validate all the manuscripts received.

About scientific work

All work must follow technical and ethical principles. The research carried out must be properly designed and planned, and the authors undertake to preserve and send, if requested, the documents that validate it. When by their nature it is necessary, the researchers will present the approval documents of a duly constituted ethics committee, which accredits the veracity of the study, since the journal's research areas are health.

Literary fatherhood

Although all authors are responsible for the article as a whole, each of them must also assume a particular responsibility for the sections in which they participated and worked directly. Any author who was not directly involved in the study should not be included.

Conflicts of interest

Any conflict of interest, whether economic, academic or of any other kind, must be explicitly declared by all those involved: authors, reviewers or editors. This declaration must be made as soon as the article is submitted or received for evaluation.

Peer review

The review process is confidential and all those involved undertake to maintain it, as well as to demand it from those who in one way or another were consulted on a manuscript or topic. Reviewers and editors, in particular, are prohibited from any use of unpublished information, which has not been expressly authorized by the authors. Likewise, reviewers and editors agree to confidentially report any suspected unethical conduct. Reviewers will maintain objectivity and precision in their comments, which must respect the basic rules of courtesy between colleagues.

Plagiarism and duplication

All sources of information used must be clearly identified and referenced. Where appropriate, authors will request explicit, written permission for the use of information from others. Under no excuse will the authors submit the same manuscript for evaluation to more than one journal, conference or any other publication source.

Editorial responsibility

All those involved in the editorial process undertake to maintain total confidentiality regarding the manuscripts received, their authors and subjects mainly. The editors will ensure that the decision process is made exclusively based on technical considerations, the quality and originality of the study, and respect for the rules of scientific writing commonly accepted in the journal area.

In bad practice

In general, those involved undertake to maintain an honest process, with a professional technical practice and in good faith, taking care at all times that the process and the results demonstrate ethical work. Those involved in the editorial process undertake, to the extent of their possibilities and responsibilities, to follow up on any complaint or suspicion of scientific malpractice, and reserve the right to take the measures they deem appropriate in cases where it is proven. the lack of ethics in any work submitted for evaluation.

Open access policy

U Investiga provides immediate free access to its content, following the epistemological trend that studies the historical origin and value of knowledge, considering it as a public good. The magazine is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows unrestricted exploitation by any means as long as the source and author are cited and this notice is maintained, therefore, the user will be able to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of these articles, track them to index them, pass them as data to the software or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers, with the aim of supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge and science.

Item processing and shipping costs

U Investiga is a publication funded by the Universidad Técnica del Norte, therefore, the authors should not make any financial contribution for the management and publication of their manuscripts.

Plagiarism detection

The journal encourages the honesty of the authors and their publications. In this sense, the Editor, once he receives the submission of an article, will pass it through the plagiarism detection system URKUND , the same one that generates a report about its originality. It will be considered that the copyrights of third works are respected, in this way, determining if the article can continue with the peer review process.

  • Similarity less than 20%, and respecting the copyrights of third parties will be accepted.
  • Similarity less than 20%, but it is evident that the copyright of third parties are not respected, they will be returned for the necessary corrections to be made.
  • Similarity between 20% and 50%, will be returned to their authors with the respective comments for them to make the necessary modifications in order to reduce the percentage of similarity.
  • Similarity greater than 50%, they will be rejected.