

    La U Investiga
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023)

    En el Volumen 10 N°2 para información de nuestros lectores e investigadores se
    encuentran descritos diversos casos clínicos de relevancia por la casuística muy
    baja de ellos, o por la innovación en los tratamientos.
    La investigación desde varios escenarios: la academia, las unidades asistenciales,
    se constituyen en espacios ideales para la construcción del conocimiento
    El análisis, discusión de casos clínicos sobre la base de aquellos que publicamos
    permitirá a los profesionales de la salud tener una referencia para sus próximos


    La U Investiga
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)

    La Revista La U Investiga Volumen 10 N° 1, en este número se registran artículos científicos en el área del conocimiento de salud que permiten al lector evidenciar un trabajo de los investigadores diverso en el sentido de los enfoques de investigación, artículos científicos y casos clínicos.
    La investigación en los ámbitos de la medicina, enfermería, nutrición y fisioterapia brindan información actualizada que podría utilizarse en nuevas investigaciones considerando que el Ecuador tiene una problemática muy elevada, en los ámbitos señalados.
    Estos documentos evidencian la preocupación de la academia en los problemas de salud de los actores internos, pero también las intervenciones en la población vulnerable ubicadas en zonas rurales y/o urbano marginales.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)

    La actividad científica, el conocimiento, la investigación no se detienen, permanentemente existen profesionales de la salud que lo hace de forma sistemática, y que al finalizar su investigación anhelan difundir sus resultados con la finalidad de que estos sean utilizados por otros, sirvan de base para otras investigaciones, así como sea la base del estudio de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud.
    La Revista La U Investiga brinda el espacio para las publicaciones de orden científico en salud, en aspectos inherentes a resultados de investigaciones epidemiológicas, de diagnóstico, tratamiento y/o pronóstico de enfermedades, pero además es un escenario de presentación de trabajos científicos en el orden de la educación en salud, y educación superior.

    El reto de la revista La U Investiga está en su proceso de publicación periódica cumpliendo los estándares de exigencia de bases de revistas para mantenerse en el nivel científico de rigor que exige actualmente difusión de resultados de investigación en la educación superior y en el ámbito de la salud.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)

    The magazine La U Investiga works hard for the benefit of disseminating scientific knowledge, complying with standards that allow its permanence and transcendence over time.

    With the aim of continuing with the following volumes, we would like to remind everyone of the importance of scientific dissemination resulting from research carried out in the fields of health and education, in which the efforts of teachers and students should be recognized.

    The greatest recognition for a scientist should be that their research is known nationally and internationally, and that it is used to guide and support other investigations. This is provided by the biannual publication of La U Investiga magazine.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)

    The magazine La U Investiga highlights in all its issues the requirement that a scientific dissemination document must maintain, difficulties will always be present in the task of compiling the information processed by authors who, with a true commitment to science, research, innovation you send your work to be reviewed by experts. In volume 8 No. 2, scientific articles related to the COVID 19 Pandemic are presented, considered of high importance due to the current importance and global impact; and others related to relevant national issues such as child malnutrition, within another.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)

    La U Investiga magazine presents its volume 8 N ° 1, in which it has been considered essential elements for the fulfillment of international publication parameters, as well as for the next indexing proposal. We continue in the line of dissemination of high quality scientific works that are born from the field research of teachers, health professionals who are interested in topics related to Health and Well-being.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020)

    La U Investiga Magazine in this edition has the opportunity to present several scientific works in relation to the Current Covid19 Pandemic; some of them belong to teachers of the Health Sciences Faculty, especially physiotherapists who wish to disseminate their research work to scientific society. Likewise, health professionals from hospitals and other universities publish in this issue works related to biosafety, occupational and labor.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)

    In this issue of La U Magazine, the scientific work on a diversity of health science topics is evidenced: some related to cancerous, nutritional or occupational and social diseases. All of immense scientific interest, but also the result of hard scientific work by health professionals: doctors, nurses, nutritionists and physiotherapists, who are dedicated to their profession but also focus on research. The magazine La U investigates offers the opportunity to all those who wish to do so.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019)

    Volume 6 number 2 of the journal "LA U INVESTIGA" presents on this occasion articles resulting from the dedicated research of health professionals who, along with carrying out their own activities of medical practice, dedicate time to scientific research in health care units, therefore now we disseminate issues related to malnutrition; Pharmacological treatment of ectopic pregnancy, diet satisfaction in hospitalized patients at the San Vicente de Paúl Hospital, as well as the pre-surgical assessment of patients in the same hospital.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019)

    Volume 6 Number 1 of the journal "LA U INVESTIGA" presents on this occasion articles product of the dedicated research of health professionals who, along with carrying out their own activities of medical practice, dedicate time to scientific research in health care units, therefore we now disseminate issues related to malnutrition; Pharmacological treatment of ectopic pregnancy, diet satisfaction in hospitalized patients at the San Vicente de Paúl Hospital, as well as the pre-surgical assessment of patients in the same hospital.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018)

    In this volume of the journal "LA U INVESTIGA" the main objectives of this journal are continued, within which we can cite the publication of semester issues, with articles rigorously reviewed under criteria of suitability, quality, and originality by peer evaluators with fourth level training. Currently the process is carried out at the level of the digital platform, the dissemination of the results of research carried out in the academy sent from various universities and of course the Technical University of the North. Among which are cited those issues related to Health Education in relation to Breastfeeding; The Food Situation in the Community, Methodology of emotional support for children and young people who suffer from cancer and the bibliographic review on a current issue, dyslipidemia.

  • PortadaV5N1

    La U Investiga
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018)

    La U Investiga Magazine maintains its initial purpose of disseminating the results of the research carried out, this dissemination first goes through a rigorous analysis of the quality and reliability of the published information, but in addition to this, our magazine today is presented using technologies of the Innovative information and communication that will allow dissemination in research networks, expanding it to international areas quickly.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2017)

    Research and its subsequent publication have improved substantially in Ecuador in the last two years. For the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UTN; Research continues to be a priority objective both for teachers and in recent times for students within academic training such as the so-called formative research.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017)

    The Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of the North in the course of time has improved its research process and therefore its scientific production; This is reflected in the presentation to the scientific community of the Revista la U investigates with its volume 4 Number 1.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016)

    In this volume, several areas of health research are distinguished from articles associated with health promotion, disease prevention, as well as clinical case investigations that evidence the experience of the health team in specific pathologies. It should be noted that many of the articles presented in the current volume correspond to the results of research carried out in the academy, typical of the Universidad Técnica del Norte and others.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)

    The Universidad Técnica del Norte and the Faculty of Health Sciences present their Scientific Journal La U Investiga, currently with Volume 3 Number 1, complying with the most rigorous academic, scientific and bioethical parameters. The characteristic of the research in our journal allows us to show the current problems, typical of our country and region, thus being considered a valuable element that determines the particularities of the population. The objective of the dissemination of scientific information resulting from a research in the territory is to seek a follow-up to the problems raised in such a way that a solution is provided that guarantees the transformation of society.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015)

    In this third volume of the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the identity of the scientific production that is intended to be exhibited from the Technical University of the North is evidenced, whose opening characteristics, and inclusion of studies on various topics related to health ; it is balanced with the rigor of the evaluation of the contents, forms and regulations of the publication and the relevance and pertinence of the topics. The responsibility for these actions is in charge of the Editorial Board, in addition to the scientific review is in charge of external academic peers.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015)

    The scientific journal La U investigates of the Faculty of Health Sciences aims to disseminate the results of research carried out by national and international students and health professionals through scientific articles; that allow generating new knowledge and contributing to the solution of the population's health problems.

  • La U Investiga
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)

    The U Investiga was born with the purpose of being the appropriate space for the faculty teachers to demonstrate the abilities and skills for the transmission of knowledge to both students and teachers from other universities and health professionals at the level. national and international to collaborate with us with their contributions.