About the Journal

The scientific journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of the North is indexed in the Latindex database in its printed edition ISSN: 1390-910X; and ISSN 2773-756X for its digital edition. It is aimed at university students, researchers, and professionals who are involved in the health area, and who also have an interest in publishing their research results. Its objective is to disseminate these results, through Original Articles, Short Articles, Systematic Bibliographic Review, Report or Study of Clinical Cases, Letters to the editor; that allow generating new knowledge and contributing to the solution of health problems. The magazine publishes an issue every six months (June and December), on health issues.
- Motivate an investigative culture as a tool for academic strengthening.
- Provide innovative research to solve health problems.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): La U Investiga

En el Volumen 10 N°2 para información de nuestros lectores e investigadores se
encuentran descritos diversos casos clínicos de relevancia por la casuística muy
baja de ellos, o por la innovación en los tratamientos.
La investigación desde varios escenarios: la academia, las unidades asistenciales,
se constituyen en espacios ideales para la construcción del conocimiento
El análisis, discusión de casos clínicos sobre la base de aquellos que publicamos
permitirá a los profesionales de la salud tener una referencia para sus próximos

Published: 2024-01-01
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Articles received for publication will be initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee to verify compliance with the criteria requested by the journal. In the case of not meeting the essential requirements such as: be in accordance with the objectives of the journal, and review with anti-plagiarism software; The author / s will be informed immediately.

Once the articles have been accepted for the next phase, the articles will be submitted to peer review specialists on the subject. This process will be carried out on the complete original through a blind content review. The peer evaluators will respond within a maximum period of 2 weeks with an evaluation of the work, which includes suggestions on how to improve it, which is sent to the group of editors. As a result of these processes, a single document will be sent to the author in which the aspects that need to be corrected will be made explicit. The publication of the original will not take place until both processes have a positive evaluation. Evaluations usually include an explicit recommendation on what should be done with the research proposal.