Kolb’s experiential learning cycle in the teaching of physics
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Education has been in constant development over the years, and the evolution of information has given rise to new methodological strategies. In this context, the present work is carried out with the objective of evaluating the teaching and learning processes generated through the methodological use of Kolb's experiential learning cycle, a teaching methodology based on the learning styles proposed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford. The research approach has a qualitative nature, where, to collect information, a learning styles questionnaire was used, in addition, a field diary and an interview with structured questions, in which the students indicated their experiences, the processes developed, the sensations and emotions obtained with respect to the activities carried out in class. These information collection techniques were analyzed using the NVivo program, obtaining different categories of analysis, in order to study the contexts in which they were used. The results of the research denote that the Kolb cycle originates significant learning in a dynamic and creative environment, in which different thinking skills are enhanced, achieving student motivation towards science.
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