The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Teaching Process of Mathematics in High School

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Marco Hernández-Martínez
Maria Gabriela Arciniegas-Romero
Jaime Rivadeneira-Flores


Theoretical foundation: The literature supports the use of ICT in mathematics education as a means to enhace teaching and learning processes, however, addressing the challenges associated with the integration of ICT in mathematics education is essential to maximize its benefits. Objective: Determine the relationship between the use of ICT by mathematics teachers and the gender, ethnicity and liking for mathematics of high school students. Methodology: This research employed a non-experimental, descriptive and relational approach, A survey instrument with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.79 was utilized and administered to 1882 high school students from urban and rural areas. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods with the SPSS v.25 software. Results: Statistically significant relationships were found in two of the three proposed hypotheses with a significance level of 0.05. Conclusions: Students' attitudes towards mathematics can be influenced by the level of ICT use by subject teachers, emphasizing the need for specific strategies to support mathematics education.


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Hernández-Martínez, M., Arciniegas-Romero, M. G., & Rivadeneira-Flores, J. (2023). The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Teaching Process of Mathematics in High School. Revista Ecos De La Academia, 9(18), 89–115.


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